... since I last blogged so I think a quick update is in order.
The kids are finally doing their first full week at school for sometime (HOORAH!). Am so looking forward to a week of getting organised and whipping the house into shape.
The new kitchen breakfast room works a treat and is very near to completion. We just need to drum up some enthusiasm/energy to sand off and paint a few bits - I hear a groan from Dr Green.
Mimi enjoyed her birthday weekend immensely!! In fact, she cried and cried last night and this morning because she'd had such a fab time and didn't want it to be over. Think it may have had something to do with the fact that she was exhausted after the 2.30 am bedtime at Friday night's sleepover. Note to self: 6 girls for a sleepover - NOT to be repeated.
I've being doing a bit of sewing tuition at Roses & Rue. So far we've covered bunting, cushion covers and zips. Thank you to all who've come along so far - I've been sooo impressed with everyone's efforts. Next on the sewing course schedule is lined bags, aprons, seasonal gifts (ooohhh!!) and maybe a bit of quilting.
Mabel is settling down nicely. We've had some amazing walks over at Two Tree and in Belfairs Woods. I'm embarrassed to say there's so many great walks I've discovered during the past few months, even though we've lived in Leigh for 12+ years, I had no idea how picturesque it is by the marshland.
Right, will close now but promise to blog more often. Later.